Williams & McDaniel takes a bite out of Hunger!

Once again, Williams & McDaniel joined forces with other property managers and landlords across Ontario for the 2019 Spring Hope Food Drive, to help individuals and families in need further reach self-sufficiency.

Nearly 50 Williams & McDaniel properties joined in the fundraiser festivities this year. Breaking another record, residents successfully raised a total of 9,229 pounds of food! All food items were donated to each building's local food bank and/or community service centre.

As done in the past, Williams & McDaniel continues to go the extra mile, in helping their communities. Involvement in this fundraiser doesn't stop at the resident collection but is complemented with a one dollar per pound match in monetary gifts to each involved organization. Totalling $9,229.00 in charitable donations from Williams & McDaniel. This donation would not be possible without the efforts of Williams & McDaniel's valued residents. The combination of the resident's food collections and the company's financial contributions will help those in need with essential resources.

A sincere thank you, to all the residents, employees, and community supporters for their hard work and dedication in the charitable event. The 2019 Spring Hope Food Drive was a success, and it could not have been achieved without you!

Bravo to everyone!