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Spread joy during the holidays

The holidays are a time for being with family and friends, spreading joy and being generous. For many, the holidays involve enjoying delicious meals, opening presents and cozying up to loved ones. For others, it is one of the hardest times of the year. Keep the holiday spirit alive by giving back to the community and helping those in need. At Williams and McDaniel Property Management, we want everyone to enjoy this festive season and have compiled ways that residents can give back to their community.

Salvation Army + Toy Drive
Give the gift of toys to little boys and girls by leaving a donation at one of the Salvation Army Kettles or participating in their Christmas Toy Drive. All gifts must be new and unused. Additional information and suggestions can be found on the drive’s Guidelines page. Throughout December, volunteers will be collecting toy donations, money and clothing, which will then be distributed to assist residents in the community. You can even donate online.

Donate Items
If you’re unable to purchase new items for those in need, head to your closet and clear out those older items you’ve accumulated. Take those extra items and bring them to a local donation centre in your area. Make sure you wash and repair any items you give away, so they are usable to the next person. Next, head to your drawers and seasonal bins and downsize your hats, knits, coats and scarves. Give those items that you’ve barely worn to someone who can really use them. Once your closets are emptied, the pantry is the next destination. You can buy new canned goods or donate ones you already have. Be sure to check if they’ve expired or been opened or damaged in anyway.

Volunteer Your Time
For those who aren’t in a position to give money or goods, your time is valuable and will surely have an impact on those in the community. Be sure to check out local charities in the community and allot some time to work with them over the holiday season.

Anonymous Giving
Pay it forward while you’re out and about by anonymously giving to a stranger. It can be as simple as paying for the orders behind you at the coffee shop to purchasing gifts for a person who truly deserves them like a coworker, another volunteer or even a client. Giving the gifts anonymously will help avoid an individual’s feelings of shame for needing help or feeling too embarrassed to accept the gift.

The simplest gestures can have a lasting impact on the receiver and the giver. While you’re enjoying the holiday season, don’t forget to give back to the less fortunate in the community and spread some joy and happiness. From Williams and McDaniel Property Management, we wish everyone a safe and happy holiday.