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Investment in Huntsville Plaza


 $750,000 invested in downtown Huntsville plaza

 Sep 25, 2017 by Roland Cilliers  (Huntsville Forester)

 Councillor Bob Stone is optimistic about the potential for redevelopment of Huntsville's Brendale Square Plaze following $750,000 in upgrades being made to by Clark McDaniel to the Main Street East core plaza. - Roland Cilliers/Metroland



HUNTSVILLE — This could be the start of something huge.

Williams and McDaniel Property Management celebrated the investment of over $750,000 in upgrades to the Huntsville’s Brendale Square adjacent the Main Street East Core Plaza building. The extensive upgrades include the replacement of 4,800 bricks, a repaved parking lot and new LED lighting.

Owner Clark McDaniel said they want to keep their properties in a high standard and encourage others in the community to do the same.

“Most cities and towns that have had the big box invasion the downtown cores tend to suffer. They need lots of investment to keep and attract new customers and clients and we’re doing our part to do that,” said McDaniel.

 The company has owned the building for 27 years now and thanked their tenants with a barbecue on Sept. 22.

Huntsville Coun. Bob Stone praised the company for the redevelopment and saw the move as potentially being the start of a far bigger development in the area.

“Planning is looking at having eight university students from Ryerson University do a design charrette of Brendale Square to discuss possibilities of what can be done over there. McDaniel’s redevelopment here and the advent of the microbrewery about to go into the old dollar store may be the stepping stones that get us some fabulous redevelopment here,” said Stone.


Roland Cilliers is a reporter with the Huntsville Forester. He can be reached at